METAR & TAF Abbreviations

List of Abbreviations

KT Knots
MPS Meters per second
AO1 Automated Observation without precipitation discriminator (rain/snow)
AO2 Automated Observation with precipitation discriminator (rain/snow)
AMD Amended Forecast (TAF)
BECMG Becoming (expected between 2 digit beginning hour and 2 digit ending hour)
BKN Broken (5-7 oktas)
CLR Clear at or below 12,000 feet (AWOS/ASOS report)
COR Correction to the observation
FEW 1 or 2 octas (eighths) cloud coverage
FEW 1 or 2 oktas (eighths) cloud coverage
FM From (4 digit beginning time in hours and minutes)
LDG Landing
M In temperature field means "minus" or below Zero
M In RVR listing indicates visibility less than lowest reportable sensor value (eg. M600)
NO Not available (eg SLPNO, RVRNO)
NSW No Significant Weather
OVC Overcast (8 oktas)
9999 Visibility in meters (9999 means greater than 10 km)
P In RVR indicates visibility greater than highest reportable sensor value (eg P6000FT)
P6SM Visibility greater than 6 SM (TAF only)
PROB4O Probability 40 percent
R Runway (used in RVR measurement)
RMK Remark
RY/RWY Runway
SCT Scattered (3-4 oktas)
SKC Sky Clear (0 oktas)
SLP Sea Level Pressure (eg., 1013 reported as 013)
SM Statute mile(s)
SPECI Special Report
TEMPO Temporary changes expected (between 2 digit beginning hour and 2 digit ending hour)
TKOF Takeoff
T01760158, 10142, 20012 and 401120084 In Remarks examples of temperature information
V Varies (wind direction and RVR)
VC Vicinity
VRB Variable wind direction when speed is less than or equal to 6 knots
VV Vertical Visibility (Indefinite Ceiling)
WS Wind shear (In TAFs, low level and not associated with convective activity)
ATIS automatic terminal information service
ft feet
km unit of distance
kt knots
MET meteorology or meteorological
METAR routine aviation aerodrome weather report
RVR runway visual range