Meters per second |
AO1 |
Automated Observation without precipitation discriminator (rain/snow) |
AO2 |
Automated Observation with precipitation discriminator (rain/snow) |
Amended Forecast (TAF) |
Becoming (expected between 2 digit beginning hour and 2 digit ending hour) |
BKN | Broken (5-7 oktas) |
Clear at or below 12,000 feet (AWOS/ASOS report) |
Correction to the observation |
FEW | 1 or 2 octas (eighths) cloud coverage |
FEW | 1 or 2 oktas (eighths) cloud coverage |
FM | From (4 digit beginning time in hours and minutes) |
LDG | Landing |
M | In temperature field means "minus" or below Zero |
M | In RVR listing indicates visibility less than lowest reportable sensor value (eg. M600) |
NO | Not available (eg SLPNO, RVRNO) |
NSW | No Significant Weather |
OVC | Overcast (8 oktas) |
9999 | Visibility in meters (9999 means greater than 10 km) |
P | In RVR indicates visibility greater than highest reportable sensor value (eg P6000FT) |
P6SM | Visibility greater than 6 SM (TAF only) |
PROB4O | Probability 40 percent |
R | Runway (used in RVR measurement) |
RMK | Remark |
RY/RWY | Runway |
SCT | Scattered (3-4 oktas) |
SKC | Sky Clear (0 oktas) |
SLP | Sea Level Pressure (eg., 1013 reported as 013) |
SM | Statute mile(s) |
SPECI | Special Report |
TEMPO | Temporary changes expected (between 2 digit beginning hour and 2 digit ending hour) |
TKOF | Takeoff |
T01760158, 10142, 20012 and 401120084 | In Remarks examples of temperature information |
V | Varies (wind direction and RVR) |
VC | Vicinity |
VRB | Variable wind direction when speed is less than or equal to 6 knots |
VV | Vertical Visibility (Indefinite Ceiling) |
WS | Wind shear (In TAFs, low level and not associated with convective activity) |
automatic terminal information service |
ft |
feet |
km |
unit of distance |
kt |
knots |
meteorology or meteorological |
routine aviation aerodrome weather report |
runway visual range |