Abbreviations Radiotelephony

List of Abbreviations

aal ay ay ell above aerodrome level
a/c aircraft aircraft
ACAS ay-kass airborne collision-avoidance system
ACC ay see see Area Control Centre
ADF ay dee eff automatic direction-finding equipment
ADR ay dee or Advisory Route
ADT ay dee tee approved departure time
AFTN ay eff tee enn Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network
AIG ay gee Air/Ground radio
agl ay gee ell above ground level
AIC ay eye see Aeonautical Information Circular
AlP ay eye pee Aeronautical Information Publication
AIS ay eye ess Aeronautical Information Services
amsl ay emm ess ell above mean sea level
ANO ay enn oh Air Navigation Order
ATA ay tee ay actual time of arrival
ATC ay tee see Air Traffic Control
ATD ay tee dee actual time of departure
ATIS ay-tiss automatic terminal information service
ATS ay tee ess Air Traffic Service
ATSOCAS at so kass Air Traffic Services outside controlled airspace
ATSU ay tee ess you Air Traffic Services Unit
ATPL ay tee pee ell airline transport pilot licence
ATZ ay tee zed Aerodrome Traffic Zone
CAA see ay ay Civil Aviation Authority
CAVOK kav-okay Visibility, cloud and present weather better than prescribed values or conditions
CB see bee cumulonimbus cloud
or Charlie Bravo
CPL see pee ell commercial pilot licence
CLS callsign callsign
CTA see tee ay Control Area
CTR see tee ar Control Zone
CW carrier wave carrier wave
D&D dee and dee Distress and Diversion
DAAIS day-ess Danger Area Activity information Service
DACS dacks Danger Area Crossing Service
DF dee eff direction finding
DME dee emm ee distance measuring equipment
EAT ee ay tee expected approach time
ETA ee tee ay estimated time of arrival
ETD ee tee dee estimated time of departure
FIR eff eye ar Flight Information Region
FIS eff èye ess Flight information Service
FISO fy-zoh Flight Information Service Officer
FL flight level flight level
ft feet feet
GAT gee ay tee general air traffic
GMC gee emm see Ground Movement Control
GMT (now UTC) gee emm tee Greenwich Mean Time
GPS gee pee ess global positioning system
H24 aitch too fow-er continuous day and night service
HF aitch eff high frequency
HJ aitch jay sunrise to sunset
HN aitch enn sunset to sunrise
hPa hecto-pascals hectoPascais (equivalent to millibars)
I/C intercom intercom
ICAO eye-kay-oh International Civil Aviation Organization
IFR eye eff ar Instrument Flight Rules
ILS eye ell ess instrument landing sytern
IMC eye emm see or India Mike Charlie Instrument Meteorological Conditions
in inches inches of mercury (unit of pressure)
kHz kilo-hertz unit of frequency
km kilo-metre unit of distance
kt nots knots
LARS lars Lower Airspace Radar Service
LF ell eff low frequency
MATZ matz Military Air Traffic Zone
MET met meteorology or meteorological
METAR met-ar routine aviation aerodrome weather report
MF emm elf medium frequency
MHz mega-hertz unit of frequency
NATS nats National Air Traffic Services
NDB enn dee bee non-directional beacon
nm nautical mile(s) unit of distance
NOTAM no-tam notice(s) to airmen
OAC Oceanic Area Control Unit
OCA oh see ay Oceanic Control Area
PAPIS pah-pee precision approach path indicating system
PlC pee eye see pilot in-command
POB pee oh bee persons on board
PPL pee pee ell private pilot licence
QDM kew dee emm magnetic heading from aircraft to ground station (zero wind) (Sometimes used to indicate magnetic heading of a runway)
QDR kew dee ar magnetic bearing from a ground station to an aircraft
QFE kew eff ee observed pressure at a specified datum (usually aerodrome or runway threshold elevation) corrected for temperature
QGH kew gee aitch ground interpreted let-down procedure using direction-finding equipment
QNH kew enn aitch altimeter subscale setting to obtain elevation when on the ground and indications of altitude when airborne
QTE kew tee ee true bearing
RNAV ar-nav area navigation
R/T or RTF ar tee or ar tee eff radiotelephone/radiotelephony
RVR ar vee ar runway visual range
Rx receive receive
SAR ess ay ar search and rescue
SID sid standard instrument departure
SIGMET sig-met significant information concerning en route weather phenomena which may affect the safety of aircraft operations
SRA ess ar ay surveillance radar approach
SSR ess ess ar secondary surveillance radar
STAR star standard instrument arrival route
TACAN tak-an tactical air navigation - UHF navaid giving bearing/distance of aircraft from ground station
TAF taff terminal area forecast
TCAS tee-kass traffic alert and collision avoidance system
TMA tee emm ay Terminal Control Area (terminal manoeuvring area)
Tx transmit Transmit
UHF you aitch eff ultra high frequency (military only)
UIR you eye ar Upper Flight Information Region
UTC you tee see coordinated universal time
VAS(S) vah-zi visual approach slope indicator system
VDF vee dee eff very high frequency direction-finding station
VFR vee eff ar Visual Flight Rules
VHF vee aitch eff very high frequency
VHF-COM vee aitch eff com VHF communications radio
VHF-NAV vee aitch eff nav VHF navigation radio for VOR and ILS
VIP vee eye pee very important person
VLF vee ell eff very low frequency, e.g. Omega
VMC vee emm see Visual Meteorological Conditions
or Victor Mike Charlie
VOLMET voll-met meteorological information for aircraft in flight
VOR vee oh ar very high frequency omni-directional radio range
VORTAC vor-tack VOR and TACAN combination
WAC wack World Aeronautical Chart (a series)
Z zoo-loo same as UTC